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Hello Center Drive School students and families! I'm so excited to be your new 5th Grade Social Studies teacher this year. Along with social studies, I will also be teaching two science classes (5th & 6th grade).

Who is Mrs. Cote? Well...

I am a mom to two wonderful boys....

Me and my boys.

...and in May, I married the love of my life.

Rogue.  He loves to go kayaking with me!

I also have a little dog named Rogue who acts more like a big dog! He likes to go hiking with me, swimming, and kayaking!

I'm in the classroom now (Room 134) getting things ready for the year. I'm excited to meet all of you at Open House, Monday August 28th, 6-7pm and am so anxious to begin our year together in less than 2 weeks!

Make sure you keep checking in with my blog. I hope to highlight the learning that takes place in our classroom as well as share some student work and maybe even have some guest student bloggers.

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